Press & TV
City&Quest on TV and in the papers
The Freytag family takes on the challenge in Nuremberg
Olga Henich took a close look at history games – including City&Quest – for young and old people. She accompanied the Freytag family puzzling through Nuremberg. Their conclusion: Learning history through games is fun and the active role is also beneficial for imparting knowledge. (Source: BR)
The Schupfner family puzzles their way through Nuremberg
For the new scavenger hunt through Nuremberg you need an app, a mobile phone and the puzzle bag. You can get this bag at the lending desk of the shop in the Nuremberg Future Museum (Zukunftsmuseum). It contains everything you need for interactive puzzle fun through Nuremberg. The Schupfner family tested the tour for you. (Source: BR)
The Sieg family goes on a scavenger hunt in Worms
The SWR war in Worms and went on a scavenger hunt in the historic city of the Nibelungen. For the YouTube outdoor channel “Raus mit Euch” the Sieg family explored the city with the City Quest Tour and tested the family suitability of the excursion destination. At the end of the excursion, the test familiy draws an honest conclusion. (Source: SWR)
Reporter Markus Bundt discovers Speyer in a playful way
Getting to know a city while having some guesswork! That’s exactly the challenge that reporter Markus Bundt now needs. For this purpose, he gets a special puzzle bag from the Tourist Information Office or the Historical Museum of the Palatinate and loads the free app Actionbound on his mobile phone and off we go. (Source: SWR)
Reporter Vivian Bahlmann discovers Worms in a playful way
The team from RON TV, the RTL regional program for the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region (RON: Rhenish Palatinate – Odenwald – Neckar) tracked down City&Quest and tried it out for you. Reporter Vivian Bahlmann faces the challenge in Worms. Using the app and riddle bag, she explores the city of the Nibelungs.
Editors enjoy solving the puzzles in Speyer & Co
The press also commented on City&Quest. Its editorial staff cracked the riddles in the cities including Speyer, Mainz and Karlsruhe. Their conclusion is that the puzzle game is a great outdoor activitiy – whether as a leisure or corporate event! Click on the pictures or links to get to the articles.
With City&Quest in Speyer
An editorial team of the “Rheinpfalz” solved the puzzles for you in Speyer. To the article by Rebecca Ditt:
With City&Quest in Karlsruhe
Martha Steinfeld and Tanja Kasischke explain how the game works in the fan city. To their “BNN” articles: (Source: Badische Neueste Nachrichten (BNN) |
With City&Quest in Trier
An insight into the city puzzle game in Trier is given by Anna Warczok in the economic section of the “Rheinpfalz”. To her article:
With City&Quest in Frankfurt
Niklas Mag made the puzzle tour for the “Frankfurter Wochenblatt”. To his article:
Kopf benutzen und Neues lernen: Historikerin bietet Stadtrallye an
With City&Quest in the Old&New Town of Mainz
Carolin Strohbehn tested the riddles in the New Town of Mainz for the event magazine “Pepper”. Irina Steinhauer toured through the Old Town of Mainz for the “AZ”. To their articles:
With City&Quest in Ingolstadt
A group of ninth graders played the game for the “Donaukurier” in Ingolstadt. To Christian Silvester’s article:
With City&Quest in Worms
Lili Judith Oberle enjoyed solving the riddles in downtown Worms. To her article:
With City&Quest in Heidelberg
Lena Scheuermann wrote a news report about City&Quest Heidelberg in the “Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung”. To her “RNZ” article:
With City&Quest in Wiesbaden
Julia Anderton presents the game in Wiesbaden. To her article in the “Wiesbadener Kurier”: